Blog - Page 8 of 10 - Oral Health Watch

Not providing dental care for those in need costs more in the long run

A recent Huffington Post story draws attention to the effects of a failure to provide dental care for low-income residents.  Due to budget challenges many states, including Washington, have cut dental care coverage for Medicaid recipients. The story highlights Washington as an example of a state that no longer provides dental coverage to those in…

Study shows poor oral health affects school performance

As children head back to school, policymakers and parents need to be aware of the importance of protecting children’s oral health. New research conducted by the University of Southern California and reported in Medical Daily provides further evidence that dental disease negatively affects the ability of children to perform well in school. The study examined…

New National Resources on Oral Health Access

Recent stories in the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times have added to the growing national attention on the lack of oral health care in the U.S. This summer The Kaiser Family Foundation released several policy briefs about oral health in the U.S. and the problems associated with a lack of dental care. …

The Health Home – An Opportunity to Curb Oral Disease, Improve Health and Reduce Costs

Good oral health is critical to overall health and high quality and cost efficient systems of care must address oral health. Why? There is clear evidence that periodontal disease – a common, chronic dental disease that causes inflammation and eventually leads to tooth loss – is linked to other chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke,…

Washington State’s New Early Learning Guidelines Highlight Importance of Oral Health

Washington State’s recently released comprehensive new guidelines on childhood development reinforce that good oral health is an integral part of a child’s overall health and development. The Early Learning and Development Guidelines are an easy-to-use resource for parents and caregivers that describe key milestones for children from birth through third grade and ways to support…

Final state budget preserves dental care for vulnerable populations

After a marathon of negotiations a supplemental budget was approved by the state legislature on Wednesday.  The good news is that the budget protects dental coverage for low-income pregnant women, seniors in nursing homes and people with developmental disabilities. This decision by the legislature to support funding for dental coverage reflects in part an increased…

When Dental Care is Not Available, Costly Emergency Room Care is Only Option

A new report by the Pew Center on the States estimates that preventable dental conditions were the primary diagnosis in 830,590 visits to emergency rooms nationwide in 2009. In most cases, care delivered in the ER will not provide lasting relief. Instead, patients need dental care to effectively treat toothaches and dental abscesses. Without access to…

New York Times Spotlights the Devastation Caused by Dental Disease in Young Children

In a Seattle-datelined story, a recent article in The New York Times brings greater attention to the increasing incidence and significant challenges of dental disease in very young children, and the need for increased prevention. “Preschoolers in Surgery for a Mouthful of Cavities” by Catherine Saint Louis begins by describing the extensive dental work –…

Importance of Dental Care For Pregnant Women Highlighted in Radio Interview

Dr. Eve Rutherford, an Arcora Foundation board member, was recently interviewed by KMPS radio reporter Stephen Kilbreath. Dr. Rutherford is a dentist and strong advocate for dental care for vulnerable populations. In the interview, Dr. Rutherford emphasizes the value of dental care, especially for low-income Washingtonians — including pregnant women — and potential cuts to…

More Good News from Olympia: Senate Budget Proposal Preserves Dental Care For Vulnerable Populations

With the release of the Senate budget Tuesday, both Houses of the state Legislature are proposing to continue funding dental coverage for low-income pregnant women, seniors in nursing homes and people with developmental disabilities. This coverage was eliminated in Gov. Gregoire’s proposed supplemental budget. Decisions by legislators to preserve dental coverage reflect increased recognition that…

Arcora Foundation
400 Fairview Avenue North, Suite 800
Seattle, WA 98109
Oral Health Watch does not provide dental care and cannot provide direct referrals. To find dental care in your area, please visit our resources page. Please contact Oral Health Watch for more information about our programs and oral health in Washington State