Blog - Page 9 of 10 - Oral Health Watch

Spread the Word: February is Children’s Dental Health Month

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, a good time to remember and talk to others about the importance of good oral health. Today in Washington there is good news as fewer low-income preschoolers around the state suffer from tooth decay and the overall rate of untreated decay among children is falling, signs that access…

Good News from Olympia: Proposed House Budget Protects Oral Health

The proposed House supplemental budget protects many essential programs that provide dental coverage to vulnerable populations. Thanks in part to the efforts of Citizens’ Watch coalition and grassroots support statewide, there is a growing awareness that oral health is a critical part of overall health. The House budget released today in Olympia maintains funding for…

Can you catch a cavity? Prenatal dental care can stop a childhood cavity before it starts

Why is Washington’s coverage of dental care for low-income pregnant women so important? When a mother struggles with dental disease, her child has a far higher risk of developing dental decay, research suggests. “Children whose mothers exhibit poor oral health are five times more likely to have oral health problems themselves than children whose mothers…

You may be hearing and seeing ads about oral health . . .

Ads spotlighting the importance of dental care for pregnant women and other vulnerable people. Ads are now running on radio stations and news sites in the Puget Sound area and in Spokane about the importance of funding dental care for vulnerable people in Washington. The Governor’s proposed budget would eliminate non-emergency dental care for many…

Dental & General Health Link: Oral Health Can Signal Bigger Issues, WSJ Says

The Wall Street Journal sheds new light on the connection between oral health and overall health in a new story about how signs in your mouth can indicate broader health problems. “Some of the earliest signs of diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, immune disorders, hormone imbalances and drug issues show up in the gums, teeth and tongue…

Legislators May Cut Insurance for Volunteer Dentists Who Care for State’s Neediest Patients

Policymakers may eliminate one of the key supports that allow dentists and physicians to volunteer their time to treat Washington State’s uninsured and underinsured. This legislative session policymakers are considering a proposal that would eliminate malpractice insurance for dentists, hygienists, physicians and other health care workers who volunteer to treat some of the state’s most…

Help protect dental coverage for vulnerable adults

The Governor’s proposed supplemental budget eliminates all non-emergency dental care for eligible Medicaid-insured adults ($8.6 million).  Pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid would lose dental coverage.  Poor oral health can lead to complications with pregnancy.  In addition, mothers can pass the bacteria that cause dental disease to their babies. Nearly half of all births in Washington…

Pregnant Women Could Lose Critical Dental Care

Washington legislators could take Medicaid dental benefits away from more than 30,000 low-income pregnant women later this month as part of a plan to balance the state budget, a decision that could lead to even higher dental costs in the future and poorer health for mothers and their children. The state Legislature will consider a…

Arcora Foundation
400 Fairview Avenue North, Suite 800
Seattle, WA 98109
Oral Health Watch does not provide dental care and cannot provide direct referrals. To find dental care in your area, please visit our resources page. Please contact Oral Health Watch for more information about our programs and oral health in Washington State